Rock Your Home + Life

While I care about simplicity and need peace and quiet, for this season, our top priority is growing kids, so sometimes the other stuff gets shoved into the cracks and crevices with the stray cheerios, or left off the to do list with chores like scrub the shower. Ain't nobody got time for that!  Seriously, though, there is hope for messy homes...

You can't grow grass and kids at the same time. A friend recently shared those wise words from her neighbor on Facebook.

Makes sense to me. Except I'd go ahead and throw other things into that statement, too. Like organization, cleaning, peace and quiet. It'd go something like, "you can't keep a clean, organized home and grow kids at the same time." Okay, maybe can't is too strong a word. But kids certainly complicate it and add to the challenge.

While I care about simplicity and need peace and quiet, for this season, our top priority is growing kids, so sometimes the other stuff gets shoved into the cracks and crevices with the stray cheerios, or left off the to do list with chores like scrub the shower. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Seriously, though, there is hope for messy homes--whether you're growing kids or growing yourself and maybe a spouse. In our culture today, all of us, moms or not, are busy and distracted and even overwhelmed. Even with limited time and energy, we have hope, because we are not alone. Others are paving a way and finding shortcuts so we don't have to. And any bit of effort creates a foundation to grow from.

Stress-free simplifying is likely unrealistic. (Unless, of course, you hire everything out. In which case, don't tell me about it. I'm better off not hearing all of the glorious details of not having to declutter and make donation drop-offs in between cooking, cleaning, and childcare.)

But stress-less simplifying--with the right tools, encouragement, and support--is possible.

And that's exactly what I aim to offer in my ebook Simplifying Home, on the Simplifying Home blog, and in my current 8-part email series (with videos and access to a Facebook group) to help you go through your home by the end of 2016.

I hope I can help you finally find the simple home you've always dreamed of.


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simplifying in the chaos
monthly emails + freebies