Simple Living Resources

Resources for Simple Living

Today, I'm happy to introduce you to a few people that have inspired me along my journey in simple living. The minimalist / simple-living community is a whole lot bigger than this short list. And they're all encouraging in their own way. These, however, are the people that have had a little greater influence in how I got to where I am today and in deciding where I want to be.

I hope you'll check them out through their online spaces and their books. They have a lot of wisdom, encouragement and experience to share on the simplifying journey.

Fancine Jay //

blog | Miss Minimalist
book | The Joy of Less

thoughts | Fancine's book is an excellent resource in the how-to of simplifying. She gives very practical steps to decluttering and living with less throughout the home with applicable principles like the "one in, one out" rule. She doesn't blog as regularly, but her archive of posts is an inspiration in true minimalism--something I don't necessarily hope to accomplish, but is an inspiration nonetheless.

Maxwell Gingham-Ryan //

blog | Apartment Therapy
books | Apartment Therapy: The 8-Step Home Cure, Small Cool

thoughts | Max's first book got me started in a yearly "Home Cure" habit. It is also a big inspiration behind my Simplifying Home series. He covers all areas of fixing home from using an outbox to declutter, setting up a landing strip to filter what comes into the home, and even aspects of decorating like how to hang art, creating good flow in a room, and balancing color and texture. He shares from his designer expertise, but in terms that make sense for a beginner like me. His blog is always running new content featuring lots of inspiring spaces, focusing less on simple or minimalist homes and more on living well in small homes.

Joshua Becker //

blog | Becoming Minimalist

books | Clutterfree with Kids, Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life, Inside-Out Simplicity

thoughts | Josh's evangelism for simple living--on social media and his blog and in his books--is so encouraging for any phase of the simplifying journey. He offers lots of practical tips and how-to and inspiration along the way. Also, a little tiny snippet of our process in reducing photographs is in his newest book Clutterfree with Kids. So that's fun.

Rachel Meeks //
blog | Small Notebook

thoughts | Rachel is (maybe temporarily?) no longer adding new posts. Her archive of past posts however is full of great inspiration and practical tips on simplifying throughout home and life.

Myquillyn Smith //
blog | Nesting Place
book | The Nesting Place

thoughts | I love Myquillin's motto for setting up home: It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. Those words are music to a beginner's ears. And that belief shows up in all of her posts. Plus, her "not perfect" home is incredibly inspiring. Her book is brand new so I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, but I know it'll be good.

Bea Johnson //
blog | Zero Waste Home
book | Zero Waste Home

thoughts | The Johnson's zero waste lifestyle is incredibly inspiring, and at times seems a little impossible for us. Still, I love Bea's insight to reducing our consumption and refusing what we don't need. Just those two things can tremendously cut down our waste and simplify our homes. Her blog shares a little in how they live zero waste, and her book offers lots of specifics on cutting down waste (and thus simplifying) in every area of our homes.

Jen //

blog | i heart organizing

thoughts | Jen takes a not-so minimalist approach to the home and is instead a really good organizer. I personally would rather get rid of the excess and not have to organize it at all. But when I am ready to put away my remaining belongings, her amazing organization is a great inspiration.

Who inspires you in simple living?


Related Posts:

Simplifying Home Series
How to Refuse
Simplicity, Simplified
This World is Not My Home