I went from updating before each month letting you know what posts you could expect, to now posting only once after the month is over to let you know what's happened. I hope to start doing both at some point, with posts in between--until then, here's my small attempt to keep in the blogging loop :)
1 // b i r t h d a y g i r l
Our girly turned six! Thanks to my mom, we were able to have the family and a couple friends over for lunch and cupcakes to celebrate. I'll spare you the "I can't believe how fast she's growing." But, seriously, I very clearly remember being six--this is just getting weird.2 // b a b y t h r e e
We announced that I'm pregnant on Facebook this month, and I loved reading everyone's support and excitement. I had all these ideas for announcing here on the blog, then first trimester all-day sickness and exhaustion happened. I'm lucky if everyone in my family is clean or if we have clean bowls for our cereal that we're eating for supper. So, this will have to do for now. Our third baby is due July 2014! More on that to come :)3 // h o l i d a y s w i t h f a m i l y
Daniel's mom surprised him and his sister by visiting for Christmas. (She's smart and kept us spouses in-the-know :) We had lots of fun indulging in gelato, homemade corndogs, enjoying a semi-warm day outside, and even getting mani-/pedis. Immediately after that, my whole family got together for a weekend of post-holiday celebrating. It was wonderful to see everyone! And we were able to get some family pics. (The instagram version is what's in the bottom right above.)4 // l o t s o f l a z i n e s s
I wish that this month was full of the Christmas-break laziness that I remember as a kid. Instead it was laden with feeling terrible and tired, with brief breaks to make memories with family. Otherwise, I've spent a lot of time this month on the sofa, while Daniel cares for the kids and cleans the apartment. That's very slowly changing. In the meantime, I'm so thankful for a loving, caring and understanding husband!5 // 2 0 1 4
Sadly, I was asleep by eight on New Year's Eve. But I did enjoy a wonderful pina colada before bed. (Just frozen pineapple blended with coconut milk--so easy and delicious!) I also bought a simple planner from Target. I had dreams of upgrading to a pricier simplified beauty by Emily Ley or entrepreneur's dream by Whitney English. But when much of this year will be consumed with baby (first trimester sickness, third trimester nesting, postpartum, sleep training, teething), a simple planner to keep me up with the basics will do just fine.Phew, can you tell this little bean in my belly is already consuming my life? I'll try to keep the pregnancy updates somewhat contained and have a few posts more related to my passions for green, intentional, simple living. But I'll just go ahead and warn you, the next year is going to be very unpredictable--in my life and on this blog. But I hope you'll stick around for the fun!