Learn about it.

31 Lessons from an Epic Beginner // 9: Learn about it.

Day 9 of 31 Lessons from an Epic Beginner

After nine straight days of stories and lessons, it's time for a list, don't you think?

I recently read a great book called Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. As a college student, he had the epic idea of living homeless for a few months. You know, just learn a few things about Christianity, faith, life, people. He realized this would be a huge endeavor to go from middle class college life, to basically the dirtiest streets of the States.

So, he spent some time preparing. He read books and talked to mentors and connected with someone that runs a soup kitchen. He prepared mentally as best he could, so he knew a little better how to take his first steps and what he was getting himself into.

Here's the simple truth: There's no better way to start something new, than to learn about it. It doesn't matter your brand of epic. Ask questions, read-up, research and get educated. Here are a few of my favorite ways to do just that.

1 | Read a book.

Some of my best ideas and life-changing epiphanies have come from reading. And often from reading books not even on a niche topic, just simply about someone else's epic adventure. Learning how others defeat fears, start, overcome challenges, fail, and succeed is a great resource for your own journey. Of course, you can read a book that covers your preferred topic, too.

2 | Search Google, Youtube and Pinterest.

Wanting to learn a new hobby, or curious how something works, or want to see how someone else is already implementing your idea? Google it, Youtube it, and Pinterest it. My husband changed the timing belt on our car by watching a Youtube video; I learned all about cloth diapers by searching on Google; and we all know some of the prettiest info is on Pinterest. Each shows up different results, so be sure to search them all!

3 | Browse the library, a book store and Amazon.

Sometimes you don't need to actually read a full book, as much as sort of browse what's available on the topic. Read through the titles and check out the covers, flip through the pages, or go right to the section that answers your question. No need to feel guilted into reading the whole thing. Of course, if it's all really good, by all means check it out or buy it. Or just borrow it from a friend.

4 | Ask someone.

Do you know someone already living your epic idea? Either a friend that just started, an acquaintance posting related thoughts on Facebook, or maybe more of a pro that shares on a blog or wrote a book. Ask them to coffee, or ask them a question online. Here's the deal: People are more accessible than ever. Twitter and Facebook and the comments section on blogs makes it easier than ever to reach the previously unreachable. Connect with a friend or learn straight from the pros. Either way, you're not alone in your epic beginning.

5 | Watch a documentary.

Documentaries are kind of like reading a book, browsing a blog, and watching Youtube all in one. You get some of the best graphics, stats, and stories all in one neat 90-ish minute sitting. My favorite documentaries have a great balance of compelling theories and applicable information. Pop some popcorn and enjoy.

6 | Take a class.

Have you browsed your community college's course schedule lately? Ours is always packed with classes that intrigue us. Or what about a local church (bigger churches often have great guest speakers) or community center? Also, don't rule out online options. I'm currently taking a course that's helping me through all of the stages of brainstorming and implementing an idea. There's courses for blogging and fashion and finances and so much more.

Remember, this all eventually leads to action. But sometimes, learning is the best action for getting started.


Answer in the comments:

When was the last time you intentionally learned something new? Did you do so through reading a book, searching online, or something else?

Day 9 of 31 Lessons from an Epic Beginner