September 2013

september on

H e l l o   B e g i n n e r !

You might notice I'm not including a post calendar this go-around, and that is a little painful for me to do. If I had my antsy little way I'd commit to a full month of posts ready for you: An outfit post on my new favorite skirt + my go-to black blazer; there'd be a recipe for hint-of-lime tacos; a post on the importance of community; another explaining a miracle I've been aching to share; even a much-needed follow-up to my last yoga post.

While I might find a way to slip one or two of these in this month (I'll link them above if that happens), I'm refraining from committing for a few reasons. Mainly because I need to put that time and energy into other things. I'll go ahead and share a few of those with you now...

1 | Month 3 Coursework

In this >> post, I mentioned I had a ticket to a conference that I was wondering if I needed to instead attend a much smaller, slower paced retreat. After much prayer and thought, I nixed both ideas and instead put that money into a more focused and action-oriented 6-month course. I am getting ready to head into month 3 and I'm not sure if the hard part is almost over or if it hasn't yet begun--either way, I'm excited! As a result, in addition to the header update, you'll likely start seeing some other updates around here.

2 | Mastermind Group

The part I'm most excited about with the coursework is the few ladies I feel God has gifted me with to support and encourage each other on each of our endeavors. We check-in with each other each week (via Facebook + Google hangout) and these girls are helping me keep focused on the bigger picture--like letting a couple months of blog posts slide for a bigger fish. Even if that fish is still unknown.

3 | 31-Day Series

I'm so out of the habit of posting regularly I'm nervous about jumping into a 31-day series in October. (See last year's series >> here.) But I'm looking forward to the workout and ready for the challenge. Now I've got some pre-planning to do to make it a more successful series for the benefit of us (you + me) both.

4 | Daily Life

As much as I love this little creative part of my life that I get to enjoy most days, I am so much more in love with and committed to what's happening this side of my computer screen. Keeping my babies well. (School just started, how are these kids getting sick already?!) Dates with my main man before he's deep in fall travel season. Quality time with my mom, who now lives in town, and my sister. Plus girls nights and encouraging my friends, old and new / close and far. And finally volunteering and getting involved in small ways with our church. Each of these pieces, these people, are a blessing I too often take for granted. I'm working on changing that.

Those are a few of my priorities for the next 28+ days.

What about you, what's on your short list this month?
Behold I will do a new thing...
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the dessert. | Is 43:18-19
Whatever it may be, wishing you a  S I M P L Y   B L I S S F U L September!


PS, I didn't get a newsletter out in August. But I'm getting one out this month where I'll be announcing the theme of my 31-day series. Sign-up to receive it >> here.