It's been almost three weeks since my last post. But you can't say I didn't warn you! (Because I did >> here.) I'm getting ready for joining hundreds of bloggers who will be posting everyday in October. Before I get started on my topic for the month, I have a couple unrelated things to share that I'd rather not have to wait until November for. So, here they are...
1 // n e w b a g
Daniel comes home tonight from travelling for the last two weeks (yay!). He's bringing with him my early birthday present -- a leather bag. A yellow Fossil explorer tote to be exact. He found it on sale at a Fossil outlet (there's no way I'd spend $238 for a bag), and I am half sick over the still-high yet discounted price and half nervous over having him buy it when all I've seen is pictures online. If all goes as nicely as I imagine, it will be the perfect bag to use for years to come--with pockets and versatility (tote or over-the-shoulder) and color. Keeping my fingers crossed. Otherwise I need to find a nearby Fossil outlet asap.If it's a keeper, I'm sure it will show up in my next minimalist fashion post... likely in November.
2 // c u r l y h a i r c u t
I cut my own hair today. Nothing unusual. Except this time I'm happier with the result than I've ever been. (It's not perfect, but what curly haircut is?) All thanks to a blogger with curly hair similar to mine. She shows how she cuts her curly hair in this video. Love it.I plan on having a hairstory week in November for a two-year follow-up to no 'poo. (Spoiler alert: I still don't use shampoo.) More on curly hair--washing, styling, cutting--then.
3 // c o m m u n i t y + p r e s e n c e
A post on the importance of presence and community has been swirling around my mind for a couple months now. I just haven't typed the words yet. Instead, I'll say that the last few months have been oddly difficult, and the sweetness and blessings have been found in community--being present with the people around me. I dare you to try it. You'll be hooked.Family picture taken by our friend Richard. And, +by the way, that skirt was once a dress that I bought for a $1 from a garage sale. It will be in a future minimalist outfits post.
4 // h o m e m a d e b r o n z e r
This week I "made" some bronzer. That's a bit of an overstatement. All I did was mix a little cinnamon in some cocoa powder and put it in an empty container. I love it! I use it as bronzer on my cheeks, and even rub it into my lips before adding clear lip gloss for a hint of color. (It's all the makeup I'm wearing in the 2 photo above.)Warning: cinnamon has benefits for helping acne and other things, but it can also cause burning or irritation. Try a tiny bit on your skin and add only a small amount. If your skin reacts badly, or if you'd rather not mess with it, just use straight up cocoa powder as bronzer.
5 // s u p p o r t f o r y o u r j o u r n e y
My "monthly-ish news + updates" transitions to "support for your journey" starting next week. I've already got my first e-mail cued up and ready to go out by Tue, Oct 1. It takes less than 30-seconds to read and is hopefully just the Kingdom focus you need on a Tuesday morning.Learn more >> here or sign up >> here.
Bonus // 3 1 d a y s
And, I almost forgot. I announced my 31-days topic to my e-mail subscribers, but I haven't done so here on the blog yet. Starting next week, I will be sharing 31 Lessons from an Epic Beginner. The series will be more officially introduced on Monday and will begin on Tuesday. I'm excited for it; it's okay if you're unsure. I still hope you'll check it out!Have a simply wonderful weekend!
Linked up: high five for friday