A year ago December I read a book in one week. That is something that I have not done since middle school, when reading was a little lighter. After a lifetime of considering myself a "slow reader," this felt like a pretty big breakthrough. It turns out I'm less a slow reader and more a no time, don't care reader.
I decided to make that part of my monthly resolutions: Read at least one book each month.
I knew this would be possible, but imagined it'd be a bit of a challenge after reading an average of 1-2 books a year. Once I got over the hurdle of finding books that interest me, the reading came rather naturally. It became part of my daily routine, between lunch and the kids' afternoon naps, and other times throughout the week. If the book was really good, it kept me up at night as I read "just one more page."
Looking at my meager list of 19 books, some avid book-lovers might laugh. But reading over 1 1/2 books a month is a major feat for this slow- / non-reader. It's also motivation to keep going. This wasn't one of those resolutions that I did for a year and said "that was nice but I'm glad it's over."
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This was a window into a new way of living. The always learning and always growing world of a reader. The always learning and always growing world of this beginner. Because through it, I also learned to be a better reader of scripture.
If you've ever called yourself a "slow reader" or said you weren't "much of a reader," give yourself the freedom to shake these titles. Find a book that appeals to you (ask friends for suggestions) in addition to the Bible, and get to it. Turn that first page and then another. Work it into your daily routine. And see what a reading habit can do for your growth--mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. | Romans 15:4>>>
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slow reader to book lover
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