I Heart.... Meal-Planning?

i heart meal planning, beginner's guide to get started

Love meal-planning? Seriously, is that even possible? I think so, because I do. Yes, really. Okay, so maybe it's slightly the planner in me. But it's also the incredible resource I have to do all of our meal-planning. As we near the holiday season that, let's face it, revolves largely around delicious meals, I thought it would be a good time to share about my favorite meal-planning resource in a series I'm calling "I Heart Meal-Planning."

If you're not vegan or vegetarian, don't tune out just yet. This meal-planning service is also useful for flexitarians, whole foods lovers, or even, gasp, meat-eaters. No haters around here--just pure meal-planning love.

In this 7-day series I'll share what I love about meal-planning with Veggie Meal-Maker, including:

Day 1: I Heart... Meal-Planning?
(below) An e-book and a 30-day trial (both free!) to get you started.

Day 2: I Heart Personalizing Our Meal Plan
How to use Veggie Meal-Maker's "Save Recipe" button. It works similar to Pinterest's "Pin It" button, allowing you to add your favorite recipes in a fully customizeable meal plan.

Day 3: I Heart Saving Time on Meal-Planning
My basic steps to meal-planning for a month.

Day 4: I Heart Recipes + Shopping Lists on My Smart Phone
How to "install" and use the Mobile Site. It works like a smart phone app, giving you access to your automated shopping list on-the-go. (Love!)

Day 5: I Heart Holiday Meals
Put meal-planning to the ultimate test with a round-up of holiday recipes for your holiday menu.

Day 6: I Heart Saving Money on Groceries
Find out how much money I save on groceries by meal-planning with Veggie Meal-Maker, and 3 thoughts on successful meal-planning.

Day 7: I Heart VMM Affiliate Program
How to benefit from Veggie Meal-Maker's Affiliate Program. It's a sort of thank-you to you bloggers for promoting something you already love. (It's a win-win!)

free meal-planning ebook guide, vegan vegetarian meal-planning service, 30-day free trial
screenshot: veggie meal-maker

2 ways to get started meal-planning...

(HINT: do them both!)

1. Get The Beginner's Guide to Vegetarian Meal Planning ebook--a free resource to get you started in the basics of meal-planning.

2. Sign up for your 30-day free trial of Veggie Meal-Maker >> here.

Then, follow along with the rest of this series using your own account and creating your own meal plan. Let's do this together!

disclosure: affiliate links used in this post. if you buy anything through them, i get a small commission at no extra cost to you.