Letting Your Lil Light Shine | day 22: learn from each other

You'd think this 31 days series would teach me about writing and committing to a goal and getting through blocks and challenges. Sure, maybe it's doing a little of that too. What I'm really getting from 22 days of writing about letting our lights shine is everything I've learned from you.

Yes, you. My family. And friends. And everyone who has answered, How do you let your lil light shine?

Because we're not left to figure this out on our own. We each have something we can offer each other--encouragement, insight, or simple friendship. Also a hand in the journey and a reminder that we're all in this together. It's not a competition about who shines brighter, but rather a race in which those who slow to help their neighbors are that much closer to the end.

When I was first inspired to do this series, I mapped out all these different ways I already knew we could and should shine brighter. Then, I started receiving people's responses, and my concept of shining began expanding. I pray it continues. That we'll all continue challenging each other and learning from each other as we shine brighter for Christ.

My friend Heather challenged me when I asked how she lets her light shine. Her suggestion is so out of my nature I never thought of it. Yet, I feel it's important that we both remember who God made us to be and challenge ourselves in who He is making us to be.

Here is Heather's response...

me + heather + eyren
>> I think one of the best ways for me to shine my light is to touch someone. I mean really touching them. Like holding a hand, or a gentle pat on the shoulder, or a hug. When my patients are scared about a procedure, or news they’ve just gotten from the doctor, or just feeling lonely, I find that a small physical gesture of self can be incredibly comforting.

While my patient was having a Central Line inserted, I held his hand. He was so scared and alone, it helped us both. I felt connected to him and had a renewed empathy and vigor for all of my patients’ well-being. Its so easy to say words, like “You’re doing great,” or “It’ll be okay,” that sometimes they really are just words. <<