Letting Your Lil Light Shine | day 19: give thanks

When a messy home overwhelms me, I will give thanks for a homey retreat when I feel overwhelmed. When the kids drive me crazy, I will put away the technology and give thanks for their sweet lil hugs. When the laundry seems endless and the dishes, I swear, dirty themselves, I will give thanks for naked-less bodies and food-filled plates.

When I'm consumed in comparisons, I will remember why my life rocks and give thanks. When I'm exhausted and empty, I will give thanks for all the reasons I'm full. When I'm drained and need to talk (or listen), I will give thanks for my Counselor and unlimited free sessions.

When life is difficult--when I don't feel God moving and don't feel like shining--I will give thanks, because a thankful heart transforms chaos into light.

And when my soul is in Sheol, I will give thanks because He will not leave me there. He will not let me see corruption. He shows me the path of life, fills me with joy in His presence and pleasures forevermore. {Psalm 16:9-11}