Hi, nice to meet you! {Influence pre-Conference Meet + Greet}

I've mentioned before: I'm taking a giant leap of faith and attending the Influence Conference in Indianapolis this October --in less than six weeks! All sorts of emotions (and altogether a lack of emotion) runs through me, as I think about hotel reservation, travel arrangements, and figuring out the all-important childcare while I am away--not to mention getting out of my introvert comfort zone to meet a bunch of people I don't know!

Thankfully, the Influence team is giving us the opportunity to do a little pre-conference "meet and greet." An opportunity to introduce ourselves (which happens to be an opportunity for you, my readers and friends, to learn some things you may not know about me), and connect before we even get to Indianapolis. How sweet is that?!

Here it is, {3} get-to-know-you things about me, {2} things I'm looking forward to about the conference, and {1} thing I cannot leave home without.

3 get-to-know-you things about me...

I enjoy the adventure of doing things a little bit different. This is why I went to Mongolia when I was 15 to live with my friend and her missionary family. It's why I'm a high school drop out but a college graduate. It's (one of the reasons) why I cloth diaper our little guy. It's why we live on the main man's modest income so I can stay home with our kiddos. This adventure of doing things different than the norm helps me refocus and put my trust in God.

I am a writer, and only recently have allowed myself to accept that title. I have a stack of filled journals sitting in my closet, I edit things for others for fun, I recently started my first freelance writing job, and I've been blogging since 2008.

I wear white tees and skinny jeans. Daily. I'm always inspired by Pinterest and bloggers WWIW (what i wore wednesday) posts, but white tees and skinny jeans are simply "me."

2 things I'm looking forward to about the conference...

Meeting like-minded people. I love browsing and being inspired by other blogs, but it's altogether different to meet someone face-to-face and have a conversation about the things we're passionate about. You know, beyond pinnable tutorials and a day-in-the-life.

Getting "away." I've always loved the allure of away, even if it just means getting out of city limits for an afternoon. I look forward to the potential of inspiration and brainstorming and encouragement that this weekend away holds.

1 thing I cannot leave home without...

My wallet. After learning more about minimalism, and applying some basic principles into my everyday, I bought a new, bigger wallet. Sounds counterproductive, right? It actually simplifies things because it holds everything I need including chapstick, lip gloss, lactaid (I'm lactose intolerant), cell phone and keys. If I make a quick trip out without kids, I just grab my wallet out of my "mom bag" and I'm good to go.

There it is, "me" in 3-2-1. I look forward to meeting others attending the Influence Conference and even those who aren't. Feel free to leave your 3-2-1 below so I can get to know YOU!