Nursery Tree Art

I checked a book out of the library for Brylee and loved the simple tree outlines decorating the inside cover of the book. I turned this inspiration into framed art that I'll be hanging in the nursery when Home Cure's One-Room Remedy gets me to that point (cleaning out junk and furniture placement comes first).

I felt like I was making a grade school craft. But it was so cheap (about $1 for scrapbook paper and frames we already had), it's easily changeable, and it's exactly the kind of simple "art" I wanted on Baby Boy's wall. In keeping with my Home Cure assignments, I also tried to balance out my paper choices using the 80/20 color rule (80% neutrals and 20% colors). I can always change it if I change my mind.

This project can be easily mixed up and personalized with a variety of fun colors, various tree outlines, or even transferred to other simple shapes in nature like an oval leaf or large-petaled flower.