Each spring and fall ApartmentTherapy.com runs a special Home Cure blog based on the book "Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure." I took part last fall, but started late and didn't have the book so floundered after a couple weeks. (Although I was very happy with the few improvements I did make based on weeks one, two and three.) Anxious to get started before my sister and parents visit in a month, and before my second trimester energy wains, I checked the book out of the library to get a jump start.
What a great book! Only 2 chapters into it, I've learned so much about fixing our home beyond it's skin. I'm still a little confused on accomplishing good flow, but my favorite has been thinking of a home in four parts: bones (walls, ceiling), breath (furniture placement/clutter), heart (artwork and aesthetics) and head (functionality).
I jumped right in with getting a notebook started, diagramming each room's flow and outlining its "ailments" based on the four parts. Okay, so I'm a nerd. At least that seemed to be Daniel's reaction when he saw my diagrams and binder. Labels aside, I'm excited to see what changes develop in our home over these next eight weeks!