- Organize the office.
- Get rid of more stuff!
- Keep decorations simple and clutter free. I have a McClelland art print I'd like to hang here. It's a bit traditional, so I'd like to modernize it with a cool frame and accent the room with green/red throw pillows that match.
Our Home: guest office before
This is ideally where we organize our occassional-use stuff (i.e., Christmas and camping), work from home and provide our guests a comfortable place to rest when they visit. It's currently an unorganized clutter pile of unpacked tubs, we work from home on the couch and our guests are welcomed to an air matress. This is our home's eye sore that, thankfully, can hide behind a shut door. However, still needs a huge makeover before more people come to visit. This is where I'd love to incorporate that daybed idea from Apartment Therapy, in addition to: