About Trina . . .

BeginnerBeans.com is where I work through messy beginnings to uncover beauty in the growth process and joy in the simple present.

Hi, my name is Trina, and I'm a certified life coach writing about growing life, simply and faithfully.

I'm continually finding myself at new beginnings--sometimes on purpose, sometimes not. These days you're more likely to find me posting on Instagram (@trinarcress), but this space is where I previously worked through those messy beginnings to uncover beauty in the growth process and joy in the simple present. And hopefully encourage you to grow in your own life along the way.

I'm a college career coach by day, mom to 3 kids, and wife to my college sweetheart. We call The Good Life of Nebraska home, but I'm still a Kansas-girl at heart.

I started this blog December 2008 when I was a new grad, newlywed mother to a 1-year-old while working full-time out of the home. I started blogging with the need for a creative outlet for myself and a desire to say “yes” to all of the things I longed to begin in life.

This space has evolved through a decade of various seasons of my own growth, but the core heart of my sharing here is still the same: I long to continue growing and cheer on others doing the same.

Some things I care and share about:
  • I'm still learning to make an effort for my husband--he and our marriage are worth it.
  • I'm all in for my kids and raising them with the focus of a God-called warrior.
  • I come to life in sun and with plants around me even indoors.
  • Sabbath rest is a weekly gift I'm so thankful for.
  • I believe in healthy self-care, because no one else is going to do it for us.
  • I love books, but used to think I was a slow-/non-reader.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with technology.
  • A simple, calming home is important to me, especially in the natural chaos of life. I wrote an ebook and started a blog about it called Simplifying Home; the blog I have since let go, but the ebook remains.
  • I love simplicity in all things—home, meaningful moments, routines, and living life.
  • I appreciate vulnerability, so I've shared about struggles people are often quiet on, but I know I’m not alone in--including our shame-free wedding story and my struggles with church.
  • Strangers ask where I got my glasses, so I share about them here.
  • We use and love Eden’s Garden essential oils.
  • We cloth diapered for a couple years, and I made a blog about it called Prefolds Love.
  • Beginnings are really at the heart of what I share, and wrote an ebook + guided journal on that as well.

You can see more from my 30 Top Blog Posts.

I'm glad our paths have crossed and hope you'll find a little inspiration and a practical idea or two to take with you.

Here's to growing life


PS, Also find me on Instagram. It's my other happy place online :) And you can email me at beginnerbeans@gmail.com, or just signup for my emails to keep in touch.


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